Montessori at home enables the child to explore the things around them with freedom and safety.
The Montessori method hinges on self-reliant activities, hands-on learning methods, and shared play.
In day-to-day life adapting Montessori is not about setting our space with things surrounded by a costlier lifestyle or expensive toys.
It is about how the strategies are incorporated into our child’s daily routine with things available at home.
How creative is the child with materials available?
How independently and safely the child can play with freedom following certain limits?
It can be the cup of tea for all people when implemented in a child’s routine from a young age irrespective of things or materials but concentrating on methodology as a priority.
Practicing at home helps them develop the skills required for child development.
Montessori at home is for all age groups, right from babies, toddlers, and school-aged children.
The topics discussed are as follows
- What is Montessori?
- Benefits of Montessori at Home
- Incorporate Montessori for Babies
- Montessori at home for Toddlers
- Montessori for School-aged children
What is Montessori?
Montessori is the method used for teaching children by developing the interest to learn naturally with hands-on activities rather than using a formal teaching method.
According to Wikipedia, “The Montessori method of education was developed by Italian physician Maria Montessori.
Emphasizing independence, it views children as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive and well-prepared learning environment.”
Benefits of Montessori at Home:
- Develops self-discipline in the child.
- Help the children’s in keeping things organized.(For example, when my kid finishes her play she clean up the mess which aids me in part of the chores I do)
- Helps to Learn life skills.
- Boost the child’s creativity
- Increases the love for learning new things.
- Supports in focusing the skills required for a child’s development.
- Each child is unique, hence no comparison.
- Encourages the child to play independently with freedom but within certain limits.
- Seeing things from the child’s perspective.
- Improves concentration, independence, and coordination with a hands-on activity.
Incorporate Montessori for Babies:
- Once we plan to start Montessori at home for our babies, implement it immediately instead of waiting for them to get older.
- As children are into the Montessori world, it helps them understand things better as they grow up.
- The important things needed to be taken under consideration before starting Montessori at home for babies
- Baby gates is necessary to help the babies explore the environment with freedom but within limits as they don’t get hurt while playing.
- Friendly bedroom for the child, Montessori method practice the baby to sleep on the floor with the mat or safety bed so that when they are awake from their sleep, they can crawl to their play area and start playing without depending on others.
- Using the child-sized furniture can help them sit and eat comfortably.
- Choosing the toys plays a vital role in Montessori, as babies can’t crawl initially hanging baby toys or lighting toys can be the best choice.
- Once they start crawling and walking, placing the toys that develop their five sensory organs or fine motor skills can be in their Toy bin.
- Baby proof around the house is more important to ensure the safety of the child. For example, covering or closing the electric outlets, safety measures on sharp corners, etc.
Montessori at home for Toddlers:
- The toddler is a crucial stage, where the child starts to explore new things independently, which should be encouraged.
- The things for consideration before starting Montessori at home for toddlers
- Implementation of Montessori at home for toddlers can be started by placing the Potty trainer in the bathroom for our little ones, which helps them to adapt it when followed in their routine.
- Placing the bookshelves that are accessible helps them to read books of their interest and choices.
- Changing the books or toys from time to time, based on their choice or interest will aid them from getting bored.
- A small chair placed in the kitchen or bathroom helps them to wash their hands independently.
- Hanging their Artwork at Eye-level helps them self-appreciation and self motivation in doing things.
For instance, when my girl draws and paint she loves the picture to be hanged on the wall and talks about the art ,about the color she used in it and it makes her really feel proud and do things again and again.
Montessori for School-aged children
- It is not too late to start Montessori at this age as the strategies are friendly and easily adaptable in children.
- Accessibility to children with age-appropriate toys, activities can help them implemented in their routine.
- By following these main things help the kids to bring Montessori into practice
- Providing a child-friendly shelf will help the children to choose the toys or books of their choice and understand their area of interest.
- Highlighting the Life skills that make the children understand their space to move freely around without getting hurt.
- Training the child to do simple chores like cleaning table, cooking if they are capable of doing, organizing things, etc.
- Inculcating concentration in kids is not a difficult task in the Montessori method.
- Encourage the children to focus on internal motivation rather than a reward.
The Montessori at home helps the kids develop and grow on essential skills.
It is vital to have advanced planning prior before implementing it to the children and also make sure the safety and capability of children.
Therefore the chores or activities don’t pressurize them, but at the same time, they enjoy each task that is given.
If you are new to my blog, I am Asha, mom of a 4-year-old baby girl, where I write articles on parenting, homeschooling, and motherhood.
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